Please note this following diagram does not yet reflect the updates to the standard as per the detailed standard pasted below. The diagram will be updated as soon as possible.

Detailed Breed Standards
The following breed standards are updated effective September 20, 2023, following their adoption by the NAA members at the 2023 Association AGM.
Size: Height below 107cm, measured at the shoulder at 3 years of age. Size above 91cm preferred. Mature bulls generally 230-280kg, mature cows 180-230kg. Specific Fault: Height more than 112cm. Disqualification: Cattle identified to be carrying a dwarfism gene. |
General Appearance: A robust, active, well-proportioned, balanced and muscled, dual-purpose animal. Bulls masculine and cows feminine. |
Body: Good length of barrel, proportionate to height, rib cage well rounded. |
Forequarters: Shoulders muscular and free moving, giving width of chest with room for heart and lung with well-developed brisket.. |
Hindquarters: General shape above hock joint is round, moderately wide at the pins. Rump broad, strong and rounded but not overly muscled. |
Legs and Feet: Leg medium length and well proportioned. To show some strength of bone. Short pasterns and hard, small, black hooves with equal halves and small cleft. Brown hooves acceptable. |
Head: Moderately long coffin-shaped skull, orbital arches not prominent, slightly convex in profile with prominent forehead. Bulls slightly more masculine. Disqualification: Wry face, undershot jaw. |
Horns: Relatively short horned (~30cm/12″), balanced and symmetrical, curving outward and upwards, although straight, forward pointing or downswept is seen. Often more slender and/or shorter in cows. De-horning allowable. Poll cattle accepted but not preferred. |
Eyes: Almond shaped, medium to large, dark, luminous, with soft expression. |
Ears: Set horizontal to head and pointed. Specific fault: Long or pendulous ears. |
Neck: Strong and medium length. |
Hump: Large in bulls and smaller but still evident in cows. Placed ahead of/or directly above shoulders. Upright and firm. |
Dewlap: Moderately developed with few folds. |
Tail: Long and slender, without kinks, transitioning smoothly from the rump and extending to the hock or lower. Switch typically black. |
Skin: Typically dark skinned. Dark points, i.e. muzzle and skin around eyes, are preferred. Specific fault: Pink nose or skin around eyes. |
Colour: Any colour or combination of colours, with or without white markings, most common – black, red, steel grey or white. |
Coat: Short, dense and sleek. Moderately longer winter coat is acceptable. |
Sheath: Tight and firmly attached. Specific fault: Overly descended sheath. |
Testicles: Two moderately descended, small testicles. Disqualification: One or both undescended (exception for steers) |
Udder: Compact, well attached, balanced with even quarters. Small to medium length teats with good capacity. Specific fault: Pendulous or divided. |
Temperament: Generally alert, docile and easy to handle. |
Gait and Movement: Straight and smooth, covering the ground well. |
Voice: Bulls cough, grunt and roar. Cows to a lesser extent. |
General Faults: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded in exact proportion to its degree. |